06 December 2009

When one's hungry one could go to EAT. We did.

Untitled from B Mo on Vimeo.

26 October 2008

Don't call it a comeback

Jump shots!

27 July 2005

a few pictures

Here are a few more pictures for any of you who, for whatever reason, still check in with the blog.


Our delicious pig after being roasted around 6 hours. location: Mandu Taitu Hostel kitchen in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Basimentos Isl., Polo's Beach, Panama. Old bradley with that crazy guy in the superman boxers, polo. The other guy is a guard "guarding" the land around polo's place. There were four "guards" who hung out with polo during their entire shift.

Isle de Ometepe, Nic. This island is my baby. This is where the farm was and where i spent most of my time. The volcano on the left is concepcion and the one on the right is maderas.

This dude is Nelson. Nelson did not stop smiling the entire time i knew him. He worked on the farm and it was his family that i worked with and who's house i slept through the earth quake in.

Bradley on top of concepcion. The hike up has 7 km. the first three were flat while the last 4 had a change in elevation of 1500 meters. The total height of the volcano is something like 1630 meters. really hard hike, but i made it up and down in 6 hours and 10 min. That was a record for my guide. The background is the outline of the maderas side of the island.

This was a shot i took from directly outside my tent. Concepcion at sunset.

Finally, your loving brad leaving ometepe on the ferry. good times.

If i get some really cool photos from the betsies i'll go ahead and put those on here too.

Till then,

love and smiles

18 July 2005

life love smiles

tomorrow i leave american soil for american soil in the US. i get into the cities at 10:30.

I spent my last few days in Leon, Nic. just chilling in the park chattin it up with the locals. Beautiful people and a beautiful city. Leon was fairly involved with the revolution and was one of only two areas to vote sandinista in the last two elections. Tomorrow is also the anniversary of when the sandinista revolutionaries took managua from the somoza dictatorship. So most people i talked to were more then willing to share their views on the political situation on Nic. and their thoughts about the US involvement with their history. It was really interesting to talk with people with revolutionary history about as old as i am. I was introduced to the Iran-Contra affair and talked with people directly affected. I have a list of books i'm looking forward to reading up on the subject. Nicaragua is an amazing place with some pretty amazing people.

its been fun and i hope to put some pictures up here after i get home and have them developed.


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